Remember this? Here’s the amicable conclusion!
Gearbox Software, 3D Realms and Interceptor Entertainment have resolved their differences; the parties have voluntarily ended all litigation between them. (Make sure you check out online slots and free slots for fun. Keep a sober mind and do not forget to have fun. Somewhere ahead, the jackpot maybe be waiting for you.)
From Mike Nielsen (3D Realms CEO): “When Interceptor acquired a license to develop ‘Duke Nukem Mass Destruction’ (‘Duke Nukem Survivor’) from 3D Realms, we did so in good faith and were not aware of any conflict. We never intended to cause any harm to Gearbox or Duke, which is why we immediately ceased development after Gearbox reached out. To secure the future of Duke, 3D Realms has agreed with Gearbox that a single home serves the IP best. And as big Duke fans, we’re excited to see what Gearbox has in store for the ‘King.’ As for our own games, we’re eager to complete development of the ‘Bombshell’ game and get it in the hands of our fans.”
I’m really happy that the lawsuit between Gearbox, 3DR, and Interceptor has come to an end. Right now, I, along with my Interceptor colleagues, are busy making the finishing touches on “Bombshell.” We can’t wait until you guys can play it!
Now that the lawsuit is over, I’d like to say a few things about my history with Gearbox, and hopefully clear some things up. I’ve been a huge Duke fan for many years, and the original Duke Nukem 3D was a big influence on me and my career in this industry that I love.
I want to express my deepest gratitude to Gearbox for allowing me to work on Duke Nukem Reloaded. I decided to cease production of Reloaded in 2011 to establish Interceptor and work on Rise of the Triad.
I want to make it clear now, once and for all – It was my own decision to pull the plug on Duke Nukem Reloaded, even though we were fully allowed to continue development. I respect Gearbox for supporting a young developer, and I’m glad we can now put this behind us.
I look forward to completing development on “Bombshell” and—as a long-time fan of Duke—I’m excited to see what Gearbox has in store for the ‘King’!
Gearbox Software has voluntarily ended its litigation against Interceptor Entertainment and 3D Realms, and wishes to keep the terms of its settlement confidential except to confirm that Gearbox Software is the full and rightful owner of the Duke Nukem franchise.
Gearbox Software appreciates the sentiments from Interceptor and 3D Realms’ representatives. Gearbox Software President Randy Pitchford said, “I genuinely appreciate Mr. Nielsen’s and Mr. Schreiber’s statement and sincerely offer my best wishes to Interceptor Entertainment and 3D Realms towards their future success and, as someone who was part of the 3D Realms team when Bombshell was first imagined, I am excited to see what they have in store for us with their game.”
[Source] [Forum Discussion]
Speaking at this year’s Develop, Gearbox boss Randy Pitchford has said he wants to make a new Duke Nukem game, potentially via second developer. Hopefully, not taking as long to complete as the now legendary 14 year development that finally gave us Duke Nukem Forever.
“I did not acquire the franchise merely so people could experience Duke Nukem Forever,” explains Randy, adding, “that was, sort of, the toll to pay to give Duke Nukem a chance at a future.” What that future might be is still in the early stages he explains, stating that the studio’s “done some concept development.” However, he also said making a new instalment would be a challenge as “Gearbox is very busy.” Instead, he suggests that “a faster way would be if the correct developer would become interested and we’d work with them.”
He also commented on the last game’s less than overwhelming response, saying, “for 10 years it was promised as the greatest game that would ever be made. It was legendary in its vapourware status. So it had a particular pole of attention.”
Sources: [Eurogamer] [GamesRadar] (Thanks Jess, DkNkm, themaniacboy)
[Forum Discussion]
The community has managed again to add about 130 MB of additional content to the pack since September 2013. Even though this is impressive, the amount of stuff which is really new and noticable remains modest: There is a Luke Skywalker model for the famous secret in E2L8: Lunar Reactor now, together with a few new textures. Emphasis rather lies on enhanced maphacks support for more custom maps (now powered by a more flexible maphacks system implemented in recent EDuke32 releases), considerable progress regarding Polymer support for textures/models, and updates applied to some secondary models which had visually suffered throughout the years.
More info & download here on the official HRP website.
Bonus: I met with the 3D Realms team this week before E3. They demo’d Bombshell for me and it looked fun as hell. Left to right: Scott, Fred, Khaled, Yatta, Becky.